Billini Street – colonial Zone

Maid Appleton @ Billini Street in the Colonial Zone in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic





“La Plazoleta de los Curas ~ La llamada Plazoleta de los Curas es el recino abierto de la antigua Claustra Olaustro de la misma Catedral, trazada en 1541 por el Reverendisimo Licenciado Don Alonso de Fuenmayor, obispo de esta Diocesis Primada, Presidente a la vez de nuestra Real Audiencia y Chancilleria, y luego primer arzobispo del Arzobispado de Santo Domingo. En su entorno fueron construidas algunas viviendas para uso de los ilustres Miembros del Excelentisimo Cabildo Eclesiastico. Fue utilizado como cementerio y restaurado en el ano de 1969. | Tres Arquilios tenia la Plazotea de los Curas, cuyas rejas respectivas se abrian cada manana, al amanecer, y se cerraban al atardecer del crepusculo de cada dia. Uno daba hacia la calle de la fortaleza que, desdichadamente, desaparecio no ha mucho tiempo. De los dos que aun subsiten, abrian el camino para ir los canonigos y racioneros que habitaban en dich Plazoleta a ocupar sus catedras en el Colegio Mayor de Hernando de Gorjon o a refrescarse en un paseo verpertino por la Alameda cercana al mar.” TRANSLATION: “The Plaza of the Priests ~ The call Square of the Priests is open castor of ancient Claustra Olaustro the same Cathedral, designed in 1541 by the Reverend Don Alonso de Fuenmayor Bachelor, bishop of the Diocese Primate, President of both . our Real Audiencia and Chancellery, then first archbishop of the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo in their environment were built some houses for use by the illustrious members Excellency Cabildo Ecclesiastical it was used as a cemetery and renovated in the year 1969. |. Three Arquilios had the Plazotea of Parsons, whose respective gates are abrian every morning at dawn and closed at dusk of twilight each day. One looked toward fort Street which, unfortunately, has not disappeared a long time. of the two who even subsiten, abrian the way to go the canons and racioneros dich inhabiting small square to take their professorships at the College of Hernando de Gorjon or cool off on a walk along the Alameda verpertino near the sea. “





“Libreria Juan Pablo II – Libros, orfebreria y articulos religiosos – la cultura catolica para un mundo nuevo” TRANSLATION: “John Paul II Library – Books, gold jewelery and religious articles – Catholic culture for a New World”






“Arzobispo Merino” (Archbishop Merino)













“Monumento al nino por nacer – En homenaje a millones de ninos abortados en el mundo. – Asociacion de medicos catolicos de la arquidiocesis de Santo Domingo, 25 de Marzo de 2004” TRANSLATION: “Monument to the unborn child – In tribute to millions of children aborted in the world. – Catholic Medical Association Archdiocese of Santo Sunday, March 25, 2004”






“La vida humana es sagrada e inviolable en cada momento de su existencia, tambien en el inicial que procede al nacimiento. El hombre, desde el geno materno, pertenece a Dios que lo escrute y conoce todo, que lo forma y lo plasma con sus manos, que lo ve mientras es todavia un pequeno embrion informe y que en el entreve el adulto de manana, cuyos dias estan contados y cuya vocacion esta ya escrita en el libro de la vida. – Juan Pablo II” TRANSLATION: “Human life is sacred and inviolable at every moment of its existence, also in the initial proceeding at birth. The man, from his mother’s geno belongs to God to scrutinize and knows everything that forms and plasma with their hands, he sees it while it is still a tiny embryo in the report and glimpsed the adult of tomorrow whose days are numbered and whose vocation is already written in the book of life. – John Paul II “





“This is a monument to defend the human life. To the child still not born.”








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